Eating the Rainbow

October 07, 2013

An easy way to find out if you are getting enough nutrients is just to look down at your plate. What colors do you see? Is your food colorful and bright or does it look a little drab and dreary? Did you eat the same colors yesterday and the day before? If so, you might want to consider changing it up.

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Energizing Juice with Lemon, Ginger, Apple, and Greens

September 23, 2013

Feeling a bit sluggish? Need an afternoon pick me up? Instead of reaching for that iced caramel latte, try this juice recipe that will give you energy without taxing your adrenals and spiking your insulin levels.

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Study Shows Diet During Pregnancy May Affect Children's Behavior and Intelligence

September 15, 2013

Everyone wants to have a happy, healthy, well behaved, and smart kid. I don’t think there is a single person on this planet that would disagree with me. A recent study that followed hundreds of European families over the course of 5 years links children’s behavior and intelligence during early years with the Mother’s diet during pregnancy.

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Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (Part VI): Guide To Living Gluten Free

August 23, 2013

Well here we are. We made it to the end of the gluten intolerance series. If you haven’t already read the other articles in the series I suggest you do so.

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Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (Part V): The Elimination Diet

August 20, 2013

As stated in my last post there are blood, saliva, and urine tests you can do to determine which foods you need to avoid. I don’t recommend getting tested until you have gone gluten free and/or have done an elimination diet and are still experiencing symptoms.

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Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (Part II): What Is Gluten?

August 10, 2013

Gluten is a substance found in many grains including barley and rye but most abundantly found in triticum aestivum, otherwise known as modern day wheat. Grains are made up of an endosperm, bran, and germ. Gluten is group of proteins found bound to a starch in the endosperm of these grains.

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How To Make Your Own Nut Or Seed Milk

July 30, 2013

Many of us have dairy and soy intolerances yet the majority of milk sold at the supermarket are made out of them. More and more markets are carrying alternatives such as almond and hemp milks, but most processed milks contain a lot of sugar and other ingredients that you don’t necessarily want to be consuming on a daily basis. Why not make your own milk? In this post I am going to teach you how to make your own nut and seed milks.

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Easy, Delicious, Healthy, Anti-Inflammatory Creamsicles

July 19, 2013

Yep, you read that correctly! I’m going to teach you how to spice up your popsicles to make them healthy and medicinal.

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Mom's Refreshing Summer Gazpacho

July 10, 2013

Growing up I was lucky enough to have a mom that loved to cook. Every night for dinner she would prepare a gourmet healthy meal that somehow satisfied 5 picky kids and her anything goes hubby.

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5 Simple Tips To Follow An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

July 03, 2013

Been told you have inflammation? Then try an anti-inflammatory diet for a couple months. You’d be surprised how easy it is and how much better you’d feel after just a couple of days.

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Six Foods That Improve Brain Function

July 01, 2013

Having trouble remembering where you put your keys? Or maybe you just want a little boost of brainpower to take a test. Either way, regular consumption of these 6 foods can not only help your brain perform better on a daily basis, but they can protect your brain from age related decline so you can think more clearly as you approach your senior years and beyond.

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Turmeric: Nature's Anti-Inflammatory

June 24, 2013

I know what you are thinking. Turmeric may not be the most visually appealing food but I promise it won’t let you down in the health department. Loaded with over over 2 dozen anti-inflammatory compounds and high in antioxidants, turmeric lowers inflammation, decreases swelling, lessens pain, and is my number one go to herb for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain.

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