Healthy Living Podcast #1: What is Health?

July 08, 2013

In the first episode of the Healthy Living Podcast Dawna talks about the different definitions of health and why you might want to think about what health means to you.

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5 Simple Tips To Follow An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

July 03, 2013

Been told you have inflammation? Then try an anti-inflammatory diet for a couple months. You’d be surprised how easy it is and how much better you’d feel after just a couple of days.

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Six Foods That Improve Brain Function

July 01, 2013

Having trouble remembering where you put your keys? Or maybe you just want a little boost of brainpower to take a test. Either way, regular consumption of these 6 foods can not only help your brain perform better on a daily basis, but they can protect your brain from age related decline so you can think more clearly as you approach your senior years and beyond.

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Rediscover Your Love For Biking

June 27, 2013

Every kid loves to ride their bike. Seriously, have you ever seen a grumpy kid riding their bike? No, they all have humongous smiles on their faces. They can ride for hours and hours laughing and smiling and breathing fresh air until the sun goes down and their mom calls them home for dinner.

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Why I Don't Expect MDs To Understand Alternative Medicine

June 26, 2013

I hear it all the time from my patients. It’s a very predictable story. A patient goes in to see their MD because they have this annoying ailment that won’t go away. Their MD prescribes medication and tells them to come back in a month. For whatever reason, the patient doesn’t want to take the medication, they prefer to try a more natural approach to heal their ailment.

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Turmeric: Nature's Anti-Inflammatory

June 24, 2013

I know what you are thinking. Turmeric may not be the most visually appealing food but I promise it won’t let you down in the health department. Loaded with over over 2 dozen anti-inflammatory compounds and high in antioxidants, turmeric lowers inflammation, decreases swelling, lessens pain, and is my number one go to herb for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain.

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Tart Cherries: A Natural Sleep Aid for Insomnia

June 19, 2013

Having trouble sleeping? If so, eating tart cherries an hour before bedtime might help. High in antioxidants, nature’s original gum drops are brimming with nutrition. Cherries are a natural food source of melatonin, the body’s sleep rhythm hormone. They have also been found to decrease oxidative stress and have anti inflammatory properties.

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Magic Pill For Weight Loss Just Discovered

March 22, 2011

Now that I got your attention I am going to tell you that there is no magic pill for weight loss. Believe me, I would have found it by now if there was one. There is no magic diet, no magic exercise routine, nor a magic surgery. I wish I could tell you that acupuncture is the magical missing link but alas, it is not the answer either.

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Depressed? Then Move Your Liver Qi!

February 27, 2011

A lot of people ask me if acupuncture can help treat depression. The short answer is yes but each individual has a unique set of symptoms that are clues into to the root cause of those symptoms. Here is a general description of how Chinese Medicine works for depression.

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Natural Ways to Keep Your Skin Hydrated

November 07, 2010

Suffering from dry skin? How about an itchy dry throat? The recent weather changes in Southern California have been a great conversation starter but have left me (and I’m sure some of you) with dry and irritated skin. In Chinese Medicine Fall is the time of the metal element which rules the Lung and Large Intestine meridians.

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Got Back Pain?

August 25, 2010

Then why not try acupuncture? Recent studies have shown that acupuncture can significantly help to decrease back pain and improve mobility in some people. Not only can acupuncture decrease your back pain but it could also help you to sleep better, be happier, and even give you more energy!

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5 Ways to Manage Neck Pain Naturally

August 14, 2010

Most if not all of us have experienced neck pain at some point in our lives. For some it is short lived acute pain lasting only a day or two, for others the pain becomes chronic and unbearable lasting months, even years if left untreated.

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